The hardly-infamous 'Spooky Space'

okay, it's Death... really more 'perky' than 'spooky', but she's a Neil-creation and she wears black, so there!

"Gothicism.  I love the music, I love the clothing, but you know what? Shut the fuck up. Oh really? You've been alive 2000 years. I would think that most vampires would stay the hell AWAY from spooky clubs and be SICK of everyone thinking that they have to wear black! Tell you what! Bite me, and let me see how you look in 40 years.  Otherwise, shut the fuck up."

-Ed Clare of the SF Midi Mafia - keep it in the family

(Please send me back to the "happy place" now...)


Good Mistress Mousey Accost

Entirely for Diva Marisa's benefit, I submit the following...

PEEPS JOUSTING ((c) Elise Matthesen 2001; reprinted by permission of the author, who is also known as <lioness> on The WELL):

Take a paper plate. Set two peeps (preferably the classic chick peep, as bunnies refuse to stand up and fight like a chick, but instead go on sit- down, or rather, lie-down strike) on the plate, facing one another, each armed with a toothpick lance. (Round toothpicks work better than square- sided toothpicks.) Make both jousters right-handed or both lefthanded. Place them on the plate so there's about half an inch between the tip of their lance and the breast of the other peep. Sound effects, challenges, growling noises, and so forth are optional, but may enhance your peeps experience. Place plate in microwave. Turn on microwave, standard setting, and watch through the door....

(spoiler alert - if you prefer to be surprised, don't read this next bit)

As you watch, and as the seconds tick away, you will notice that one or both peeps may tremble slightly, as if overcome with emotion or suddenly afflicted by qualms about this whole jousting thing. This will be followed by the inflation of both peeps, as if they took deep breaths and decided to go through with it, and then did the pufferfish thing at each other. As the peeps swell, their lance-points are advance toward -- and into -- each other. One peep's lance will strike home first, and the mortally wounded peep will deflate in a rush of hot, cotton-candy scented air.

Don't leave the peeps cooking for more than thirty-five seconds or so, depending on your microwave, as the sugar does burn. However, if you pull 'em out after peeps mortality occurs, you can (*very* carefully!) use two fresh toothpicks to scoop up the molten sugar and pull it kind of like taffy, holding it in the air for the moment it will take to harden. It's essentially a piece of roasted marshmallow candy at that point. Don't burn your mouth -- it's napalm marshmallow at first, so be careful. And the reason for the paper plate should be obvious, although some folks do prefer to do it on real plates and then scrub the enameling of molten sugar off later.

Have fun!

Why are all my clothes black?
I mean... Features

Some People Believe That Cameras Steal Souls:
For cool photography (some of which is spooky; all of which is gorgeous), check out stuff by Mike Massee.

What's Good For The Gullet: 
Venom energy drink. "Taste's like crap. Makes you feel weird."

If You're Gothy And You Know It:
What happens late at night when you're high on sleep deprivation and walking down San Francisco streets in a group of not-a-goths? Well, this page.

Things you might hear in a goth club:
A silly page of things that have actually been said, written, and seen at various gothy-type clubs that friends and I have been to. a.k.a. More reasons to be afraid to go out at night. :)

The Devil Bunny Chronicles:
The one and only Devil Bunny page. The infmous pink evil has a home now in my spooky space.

Um, that's it for now, but I've got changes in mind for the page (or at least a new feature)

Note on the background of this page: The artwork is a variation of the center of my upper back piece.