Death Guild Thunderdome
Burning Man 2002

The Faerie's Perspective

(Updated December 08, 2002.)

It's that time again. Time for me to apologize for however long it takes me to get this page completely together... In the meantime, enjoy what I've got so far. Apologies for the awful quality of several of the images: Many of the digital images were very blurred due to movement of the subject (and me being a klutz), and about 30 of the images herein are scans of Polaroids, which never work out well.

Anyone wanting a disc full of photos, send me an email. When I'm done with the page, I'll throw together cds of all the images for people who want them. I've also set up something at if you just want a few pictures right away.

Any questions, comments, requests to have photos taken off the site, hate mail, etc., can be directed to:

All photos on this site copyright me, 2002.

People Pictures
individuals and group shots

Dome Pictures
dome building, dome battles, and pictures of the dome, and of the brand new thunderdome sign

Car Pictures
um, car pictures

"Stuff That Isn't DGTD" Pictures
my neil-gaiman-themed camp, the playa, other camps, art stuff that I thought was cool, etc.

Links to other Death Guild Thunderdome Pages (2002)