Death Guild Thunderdome
Burning Man 2002

Car Pictures, Page 1

As before, Death Guild had some of the coolest cars on the Playa; 6 in all this year (not including any of the bikes). These are all the photos of them that I took (and of some of the other cars on the playa). To check out page 2 of the car photos, click here.

under the hood

kurt, all blurred

uncle ted

amacker attacks

matt vs. malibu

sam and truck

kurt and me in truck

death guild dolly

cars at night (blurred)

sam, truck, flamethrower

parking lot?

'the car'


the chariot

the chariot

the chariot rides!

one fly ride

matt<sup>2</sup> & car

truck gets a makeover

andrea looks bored

poor car!

carp's duck car

kurtclimbs the car


the gimp-maker

totoro catbus

ted & theo w/bikes

car as vanity

tugged boat


josh plots revenge

now with flames

On to Page 2

Any questions, comments, hate mail, etc., can be directed to:

All photos copyright me, 2002

Back to DGTD Faerie Photo Index
the Neil-faerie's photo index, with links to other pages

People Pictures
individuals and group shots

Dome Pictures
dome building, dome battles, and pictures of the dome, and the brand new thunderdome sign

"Stuff That Isn't DGTD" Pictures
my neil-gaiman-themed camp, the playa, other camps, art stuff that I thought was cool, etc.