If You're Gothy And You Know It...

(Alright, I'm sufficiently spooked. Take me back home now.)

So there was this group of not-a-goths hanging out at So What! after a weekend of Neil Gaiman signings. They were being silly at dinner. They were being silly at the club. They were being silly because they hadn't had any sleep in several days. They also had a 3 block walk back to their cars before they called it a night, so they made up a silly song along the way. It's probably been sung before, and it will probably be sung again, but it made the not-a-goths happy, so here it is:


If you're gothy and you know it be depressed
If you're gothy and you know it be depressed
If you're gothy and you know it mope around a lot to show it
If you're gothy and you know it be depressed

If you're gothy and you know it slash your wrists
If you're gothy and you know it slash your wrists
If you're gothy and you know it bleeding arms will surely show it
If you're gothy and you know it slash your wrists

If you're gothy and you know it dye your hair
If you're gothy and you know it dye your hair
If you're gothy and you know it then your roots will surely show it
If you're gothy and you know it dye your hair

If you're gothy and you know it dress in black
If you're gothy and you know it dress in black
If you're gothy and you know it morbid clothes will surely show it
If you're gothy and you know it dress in black


If you have a verse you would like to add, please send it to not_a_goth@snafu.org and I'll add it to the song.