Three riders rode to Mt Tam then down to the coast on a chilly day in the north bay. Headlamp bulbs were changed and BBQ oysters were consumed.
Pictures from Chris and Pete of a ride to the north bay. Dick provides the ride report.
Major WWWobble, Dick, and Rob met for breakfast at the HMB airport. Rob had to go to work. Dick and the Major spent a delightful day on the coast before heading over to Boulder Creek, then home.
Another year, another search for fall colors in the SF Bay Area by the mid-week photographers. Marc, Rich, and Major WWWobble, SLR cameras in hand, went looking for red and yellow. We found red in the form of the Golden Gate Bridge and the Major’s bike is yellow. Maybe we’ll have better luck next try.
Dick provides a write-up with pictures of a most memorable ride south toward Big Sur with the obligatory stop at Nepenthe. Pictures from Chris follow.
The captain has this thing for the number nine, making the ninth day of the ninth month of the ninth year of the millennium a good day for a ride. Major WWWobble wrote the trip report.
Is there such a thing as Thursday, the 13th? It might seem so to one of the mid-week riders who found himself with the rubber parts of his motorcycle in the wrong orientation. All turned out well in the end.
Chris privides a write up and lots of pictures from his annual ride to the BMW MOA International Rally. This is an example of one of the reasons there are not many summer mid-week rides… the mid week riders are too busy out riding!
Chris writes up a Mt Hamilton ride called by and led by Dick. Pictures, of course. I think the funny picture numbers means that Chris can’t count. Or perhaps he was just too excited in his hurry to get the ride report done!
Chris and Simon rode in the north bay after breakfast in Novato. Everyone else had other things to do… or the threat of rain kept them way.
Six riders meandered south, taking as much time as possible to get from breakfast in Cupertino to lunch in Moss Landing. A new rider almost met us for lunch. There was enough overlap for him to take and provide us with the group image.
Chris scheduled this ride for good reason… He says: “Well, having been born on 3/5/43 why not treat myself to a ride? We’ll meet for breakfast at the Golden Egg Omelet House in old downtown Novato… ” That sounds as good a reason for a ride as any other. The plan was, weather and enthusiasm permitting, to ride ‘up’ Kings Ridge (look for Casadero on your map), to Tin Barn, Tin Barn to the Stewarts Point-Healdsburg Road and that road into Healdsburg with some scenic detours based on weather. It was a good plan.
Three went to lunch in Davenport because it wasn’t raining. Or perhaps there was some other reason, like not being able to wait until the ride scheduled for next week. Whatever the excuse we rode for a little bit.
The Captain was almost late for breakfast. That didn’t stop him from leading the group from Petaluma to Lake Berryessa then up toward Clear Lake before heading south toward home. Pics from Bob, Chris, Dick, and Marc.
Major WWWobble and the GS Boy Scout took a ride to the south bay to scope out the state of the California Drought. If the reservoirs of Santa Clara County are any indication we’re in sad shape. Dry (and warm) winter weather isn’t helping. Lexington Reservoir (pictured) is at about 5% of capacity.
Chris lead a group of mid-week riders in and out of the sun along the
back roads of the north bay. Three new mid-week riders joined the group
for breakfast. Alas, bike troubles kept one from enjoying the ride.
The start of the ride was interesting: Marc published different start times
on the web from those sent in email to established members. Ooops. If
nothing else it showed that potential members need to know how to join the
mailing list. See the MWR home page for details.