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Z6 Tires


I agree with everyone who's said that they like the Z6.  It's the best 
sticking tire I've ever used in the biggest mix of conditions.  It's a 
little pricey and you won't get more miles than with an 020, but they really 
do stick and they don't have that goofy Bridgestone front tread.

If you're looking for great handling, I dont' think the Michelin is your 
tire.   If you want better steering quickness, consider raising the rear 
preload a bit.   That and a nice new round, as opposed to square, rear tire 
are two the things that make the most difference to me for good turn-in. 
That and training your eyes to look around the curve rather than 10 feet in 
front of the bike.

- -TB


End of oilheads-digest V1 #296