Sunday, 2 April 2017
Chris writes and sends pics
Twelve for breakfast using eleven M/C’s. Afterwards everyone did what SMBC’ers do best…go there own ways. Three, yours truly Chris Weld, Chris Rand and Alberto Sevilla set-off in the hopes that San Andrea/Calaveras reservoir route into San Jose would be open. No such luck! Signs say road will now be closed until 12/31/17. Well, there’s always next year!
What to do? After brief discussion and Alberto’s dire need for petrol it was agreed – Livermore and Mines Road for the Junction House, Mt. Hamilton and San Jose for home. We did it! We ‘refreshed’ at the Junction House and inspected sundry M/C’s atop Mt. Hamilton (read, Lick Observatory). We met a couple of real adventure motorcyclists at the top and kibitzed for more’n a few minutes. I learned about the very positive perception of the Northern California BMW Club’s impact through the efforts of the Club Historian. Kudos are due!
We descended the mountain, now with Chris Rand in front of Alberto, all in hopes of catching a good photo. (Well, I tried! some people just won’t smile..)
We split for our respective homes in greater San Jose (Fremont, Saratoga and Pacifica) but only I, Pacifica bound, found the closure of IS-280 in Los Altos. Four lanes forced onto a one-lane off-ramp. I’d lane-split to get to the off-ramp (maybe a two-mile ‘split’ - something I rarely ever do), and was forced down to Foothill Blvd which I had to endure with everyone else. We all putt-putted for several miles until we could all return to I280. Oh well, at least it wasn’t raining..quite the contrary, high 70’sº.
I did clean lense (later)
Not my sharpest photo
Nothing Straight on this Road
Our road (high Rt.)
Junction House (No Theile)
Atop Mt. Hamilton @ the Observatory
From Observatoru Dwntn San Jose
Home:Offices Atop Mt. Hamilton
Chris Shoots Chris
Chris & Alberto
Chris & Alberto ll
No, He Didn’t Crossover
Alberto’s Camera Shy
Honey Bucket Had to Jockey Turns