Location assigned
Locations are assigned to an image by clicking on the map or by matching the image to a track log. See the GPS Date/Time note on the imporance of using the correct time zone when matching images to track logs. GeoTag matches by timestamp and must properly convert the image timestamp to a GPS timestamp to get the correct location.
Select one or more images. Click on the map to select a location.
GeoTag 5.3
Any previous location can be changed by clicking on the map at the new location.
GeoTag 5.2 and earlier
Previous locations can be changed by clicking on the new location or by dragging the exising pin to the new location. When attempting to drag a pin there is a system imposed delay before dragging is enabled. Click and hold on the pin until the center of the pin turns green to indicate dragging can occur. The green area will go away when pin dragging is complete.
Use ⌘L, or Edit -> Locn from track, or right-click -> Locn from track to update the location of selected images from the track log. Locations are determined by matching image timestamps with GPX log trackpoint timestamps. This comes with some caveats:
- The track point with a timestamp closest to, but less than or equal to the image time stamp is used for image location.
- If the camera date/time is incorrect wrong geo-location data will be assigned.
- If the track log coveres a period of time before the pictures were taken the last point in the track-log will be used as the geo-location for all images.
- If the track loc covers a period of time after the pictures were taken no geo-locations will be assigned.
Assigned locations can be tweaked by selecting the image to modify and relocating the marker by clicking on the desired location on the map.
When a location is assigned it is shown in green text until changes have been saved. Green locations and a dot in the middle of the red window close button are indications that there are unsaved changes.
GeoTag 5.1
Manual input
Image locations can also be entered manually by double clicking on either the latitude or the longitude fields of an image in the table. If the image was not selected it will become the selected image. The updated latitude/longitude will be applied to all selected images.
Values assigned by manual input are not applied until the change button is activated. Use the Escape key or click outside of the popover to cancel.
Pasteboard keyboard shortcuts and the main menu do not do the right thing when entering latitude and longitude manually. If you need to cut, copy, paste, etc. use a right click context menu in the data entry fields. This is fixed in GeoTag 5.2.
GeoTag 5.2 and later
Right click and select “Edit”, use ⌘I, or click on the Inspector icon to open the inspector pane for image Timestamp and Location editing.
Latitude and longitude can be entered as degrees, degrees and minutes, or degrees, seconds, and minutes. Use spaces to separate parts when entering multi part values. Only the last part may have a fractional amount. A reference, “N”/”S” for latitudes, “E”/”W” for longitudes may be used. “N” and “E” are assumed for positive values, “S” and “W” for negative values.