Menu Bar
The Menu bar for GeoTag is show above.
GeoTag: access program settings and program version (About) from this menu.
File =>
- Open…: pick images for editing from the filesystem
- Close: Close the window (unless there are unsaved changes). The application quits when windows are closed.
- Save: use the built in ExifTool application to update metadata for edited images.
- Discard changes: discard all changes made since the last save.
- Discard tracks: discard any GPS tracks loaded from GPX files.
- Clear Image List: clear the table of all images. The images will have to be re-opened or dragged to the application if further editing is desired.
Edit =>
Undo and Redo: All updates to location and timestamps are undoable/redoable. Operations that are not undoable, e.g. Discard changes, will ask for confirmation before proceeding.
Cut, Copy, Paste, and Delete: In GeoTag these options refer to image location. Locations data includes altitude/elevation if present. GeoTag only adds altitude/elevation when matching images to a GPS track log. Hovering the mouse over latitude or longitude fields of an image will show the elevation.
Select All: Select all editable images. Files that are not editable can not be selected.
Show In Finder: open a finder window showing the selected image.
Locn From Track: Match selected images to loaded track logs by timestamp. See the GPS Date/Time note on the Settings help page for information about timestamps and time zones. GeoTag must be told the time zone of image timestamps when not the same as the computer time zone.
Specify Time Zone: Allow the time zone to be used for image timestamps to be selected.
View =>
Show/Hide Disabled Files: Toggle between showing and hiding files that can not be edited. When such files are not hidden they are shown in a gray text and can not be selected.
Pin View Options…: Select between “Show pins for all selected items” and “Show pin for most selected item”. The location of the most selected image gets a red pin. Secondary image locations, when enabled, are indicated by a pin with a yellow center. Secondary pins can not be dragged.
Window => (nothing added to this menu by GeoTag)
Help =>
GeoTag 5 Help…: Link to these help pages.
Report a bug…: Link to the GeoTag github page to report problems.
Show log…: Show any messages logged by GeoTag while running. The messages vary every release and are of little interest to anyone not trying to debug the program.