GeoTag settings
Geotag settings window
The settings window is opened using ⌘, or selecting the “Settings…” option in the GeoTag menu. The various settings are described below. When the window is open hovering the mouse over each option will show a tool tip about the option.
Disable Image Backups: checking this box tells Geotag not to make image backups before updating image metadata. Not recommended, but requested by users that are 100% sure they have backups of their original images before running GeoTag.
Backup folder: Click on the disclosure button allows selection of a backup folder. You will see the following. Click on “Choose…” to pick your folder.
Create Sidecar (XMP) files: When enabled all metadata updates will be written to sidecar files. A sidecar file ending in .xmp will be created if one does not exist. Original image files will not be modified. Not applicable to images selected from your Photos Library.
Choose a coordinate format: Pick between the three formats used to display latitude and longitude coordinates in GeoTag. Coordinates can be entered in any of the above formats regardless of the chosen display format.
GPS Track Color: GPS tracks can be loaded from a GPX file and shown as traces on the map. You can select the color of the trace here.
GPS Track Width: If the track trace widths are too narrow or too wide you can adjust the width here. Setting the width to 0 results in the default width.
Disable paired jpegs: Some cameras have an option of saving both raw and jpeg versions of images. If this option is checked the jpeg half of the raw/jpeg pairs will be disabled. Not applicable to images selected from your Photos Library.
Set File Modification Times: When location changes are written to the image file the file timestamp is set to the current time. If this option is set the file timestamp will instead be set to the date and time the image was taken. Not applicable to images selected from your Photos Library.
Update GPS Date/Time: GPS Location metadata may includes Date and Time. Checking this box will cause that data to be updated when locations change. But see the note, below.
Tag updated files: If this option is checked GeoTag will apply a Finder tag to all files updated by the program. The tag defaults to “GeoTag” but may be changed in the field that is shown when the option is enabled. Not applicable to images selected from your Photos Library.
tag value
GPS Date/Time note
The GPS timestamp is relative to UTC/GMT. This can be calculated from the image timestamp provided you know the time zone associated with that timestamp. GeoTag assumes that the timestamp in your image was set by the camera and that the camera time is the same as the time used by your computer. The computer time zone is used to calculate the required offset for UTC/GMT.This works most of the time for most people.
The relevant detail is the time zone of the image timestamp. If that time zone is not the same as the time zone used by your computer – perhaps daylight saving time changed or the image timestamp was adjusted – GeoTag must be told what time zone to use. That can be done by selecting “Specify Time Zone…” from the Edit menu.
There is one more thing to be aware of when setting GPS timestamps. GeoTag will use the same timezone settings for all images updated. If you have images with timestamps relative to different zones they can not be updated at the same time. Update in batches, setting the time zone to the appropriate value for each batch.