Monday, Feb 18 2019
It’s Presidents Day in the US. That means nothing to DHL. This morning they delivered the new 3D printer I ordered on Thursday. I knew it was coming, but was somewhat surprised that Prusa Research could ship it as fast as they did. The MK3S was only announced the start of this month. It is a minor upgrade from the MK3 that had been shipping for over a year.
Something new
A box full of boxes
Well labeled bags
This is the kit version. The box contained lots of other boxes and those boxes contained bags full of parts labeled according to the build instructions found on line. I’m building the kit with my iPad close by to guide my progress.
Part of the frame
Basic frame
Y-axis motor and idler
Lube those bearings
Y-axis done
I’m in no hurry to get it together and printing. I want to take my time and build it right. Example: after putting the basic frame together according to the instructions I testes that it sat flat on the table. Nope. Loosen and tighten the end pieces. Still didn’t sit flat. I loosened and tightened the extrusions from the main frame. Ahh, after doing that to the front, longer extrusions the frame sat flat and tests with a square show everythint to be square (so far). Now I can go on to the he next step.
I was surprised that the instructions did not mention lubricating the linear bearings. I packed them white lithium grease before assembling the Y-axis.
X-axis rails
The Z-axis has four linear bearings in the end pieces for Z movement in adition to the three that will support the X carriage. I lubricated them, too. The hardest part of the build so far was seating the X-axis rails into the end pieces. The MK3S has windows to see the ends of the rods so you know when they are fully seated. It took a lot of steady force to get the rods where they belong.
I would have done a bit more today, but the battery of my iPad quit just as I finished putting the X-axis together. I’ll start with part 4 - Z-axis assembly tomorrow.