Wednesday, Sep 24 2014 [178 miles]
Yesterday, after dinner as I stepped out of the house I almost tripped over the box containg the Sargent saddle. Today the postman delivered another box from ProCycle. I see I’m going to be busy this afternoon.
well packed
bash plate
The box from ProCycle was well packed. At the bottom of the box was the bash plate. I thought I’d start there, then work my way up the bike.
Anti sieze for mounting hardware
Mounting hardware
The instructions call for using oil or anti-sieze. The hardware looks to be stainless. Anti-sieze it is. It took me a couple of tried to realize I need to start in the back and work forward (or borrow an extra set of hands).
Finger tight
For/aft position
I got the for/aft position adjusted so the mounting screws aren’t almost touching the case. I didn’t realise at the time that left/right also needs tweaking to stop the bash plate from hitting the front engine mounting bolt on the right side and to get the oil drain plug in the correct position. Loosening the 4 mouting bolts and a few love taps with a dead blow hammer got things positioned where they need to be.
Trial mount
I tighted the mounting bolts and gave everything a once over. I think that will work fine. Now on to the lowered foot peg kit that was also in the box of ProCycle goodies.
Wednesday, Oct 1 2014 [332 miles]
No pictures. I removed the rear two mounting screws and cut them down so they do not protrude above the nut welded to the bash plate bracket.