Steering stop
Wunderlich farkles
Remove old screws
Install steering stop
A ride to Santa Cruz/Watsonville resulted in breakfast with my friend Darryl and new farkles, Wunderlich farkles to be specific, for the bike. When I got home I first installed the steering stop. Very easy install. Took maybe 5 minutes. Only down side is that the new screws use a 6 mm hex key instead of a T45 Torx.
Oil Cooler Screen
Beak support screws
Beak/inner beak connection
To get to the oil cooler the beak has to come off. It’s held on with three screws on each side. The second picture shows how the beak is attached to the bit of inner plastic. It unsnaps by gently flexing the plastic. It helps to raise the windshield to get it out of the way.
beak mounting tab (close up)
beak mounting tab (wide view)
Once the beak is unscrewed and unsnapped from the inner plastic it can be removed by pulling it forward. The two pictures show the mounting post on the left side. There is a post on the right side, too. The peak has a slot that fits over these posts. Don’t pull up, you’ll break plastic.
cleaned oil cooler
The oil cooler needed some cleaning (see above for the before picture). A toothbrush and some compressed air got most of the bug guts out.
Oil cooler mounting screws
Detached oil cooler
There are two screws holding the oil cooler to the frame.
Once the screws are removed the cooler will not drop down unless
slightly rotated so that it is facing down at about a 45 degree angle.
The cooler must be dropped to fit the screen.
padding on screen
padding on cooler
At this point the instructions said to put the supplied foam padding on the top of the oil cooler. The picture that was part of the instructions was of such poor quality it was hard to see what was cooler and what was the padding. There was enough padding that I put it on the screen where it would hit the top of the cooler and on the front of the cooler.
screen mounted
ready to ride
The final step was to put the screen over the cooler then re-attach the cooler to the frame. Simple. Once the cooler was in place the front beak was re-installed along with the side pannels. The bike is ready to ride.
Total time to install the steering stop and the oil cooler screen was less than 2 hours. The job could have easily been done in 1 hour if I didn’t take lots of pictures, clean plastic bits as they came of the bike, etc. In fact it took less than an hour when the oil cooler screen fell apart and I had to put it back together.