August 2019
Negatives developed in Rodinal 1+100 using the semi-stand method where the film sits in the developer for 60 minutes with a few inversions at the start of development and a few more inversions at the 30 minute mark. Scanned on an Epson V600 flat bed scanner.
f/9.5 1/400 ISO 400
f/9.5 1/400 ISO 400
f/5.6 1/400 ISO 400
f/19 1/400 ISO 400
f/13 1/400 ISO 400
f/8 1/400 ISO 400
f/16 1/400 ISO 400
f/11 1/400 ISO 400
f/9.5 1/400 ISO 400
f/8 1/400 ISO 400