Wednesday/Thursday, 7–8 Oct 2009
Pictures are from Wednesday and Thursday. The plumbers moved to the street side and dug and dug and dug. Finally, after much digging, portions of the old, but not original, and original line were removed to make room for the new. An 8 inch water main under the sidewalk but above part of the sewer line made for some of the extra work.
The inspector didn’t like the idea of a slight dog leg, so more digging happended to fit a single length of pipe (which will be cut to put a clean out near the property line). Then they’ll dig a little bit more to get past the collapsed portion of the Orangeburg, and finally burst the pipe (trenchless pipe installation) to get from the hillside to the side of the house.
That should happen tomorrow.
Street side
Looking for the pipe
There it is
Into the street
Getting deep
Hand tools
More holes
Thru the sidewalk
Old sewer line
meeting the main
Could try this?
Could work?
Inspector wants it different
Watch out for the water main
One piece
Hooked into main
Will hook to house
Ready for inspection