1998 October 27 (Tuesday)
This date the transmission came out. I’d taken my wife to the eye doctor because she doesn’t like to drive with her eyes dilated (who does?). I spent the time waiting with an old Clymer’s to see what needed to be done. Not much.
Air cleaner
Transmission and air cleaner
Before removing the transmission you have to remove attached items. I started with the air cleaner. What I removed was not quite the same as the pictures in the parts book. I had two rubber washers between attachment screw and filter cover, did not have a nut connected to the attachment screw, and had what looked like a rubber gasket made out of an old inner tube between the bottom ring and the transmission housing.
Air tubes
Transmission, right side
The air tubes were removed next. The rubber gaskets at the transmission housing looked like they were installed 180 degree from the way they were supposed to be installed. There is a groove in the gasket that fits perfectly with a lip on the transmission housing: that’s not the way they were installed. The gaskets at the transmission housing are in excellent condition but the rubber seal rings at the carburetors are cracked and should be replaced.
Clutch lever
Clutch lever spring
Other things to remove include the clutch lever, speedometer cable, neutral indicator, and ground strap. Note how the clutch lever spring was safety wired on. I’m going to do the same when I put it back together. The set screw and rubber cap for the neutral indicator were put back on the transmission after pulling the wire so they don’t get lost.
Transmission input splines
Four nuts later and a little care removing the clutch cable and the transmission is out. This is a picture of the input side. I put tape over the hole where the speedometer attaches to keep dirt out. More tape went over the clutch thrust rod so it doesn’t fall out.
Three of the four nuts were 14 mm hex, the fourth, attached to an M8 x 75 bolt instead of a stud, was 13 mm hex. I wondered if that is correct. Later I found out it was. Also, the parts list looks like spring washers were supposed to be used. That isn’t what I removed.