1999 May 26 (Wednesday)
I’m still waiting for the shocks I ordered to arrive but feel the need to do something with the bike. Looking around I see that I haven’t touched the handlebar controls and the new solo seat can probably be added without getting in the way.
Also, a friend recently replaced his home-made stand with a professional hydraulic lift. He needs a place to store the old stand for a while and I’ve got room under the R69S…
Hand control cleaning
Hand controls
Cleaning controls
I first cut the grip off of the throttle control, then got out the parts cleaner/degreaser. I disassembled and partially cleaned the controls. I decided that to get the parts fully clean they needed to spend a night in the parts dip. Oops…
Hand controls dipped
After a day in the parts dip
I removed the parts from the dip after about 24 hours and washed them in hot soap and water. The paint came off while washing which was more than I hoped for (or counted on). They will have to be repainted, but first I’ll touch up some of the rough edges.
Painting hand controls
After touch up
More paint
The first picture is after grinding, filing, brushing, and sanding. The contrast on pictures two and three aren’t great, but almost show the the result of the first coat of paint. I’m using a satin black from a spray can. I did not use a primer. I should have. The instructions are to wait 48 hours (or more) between coats, so I’ll finish the painting next week.
1999 May 29 (Saturday)
Solo saddle
Saddle T-bar
Saddle rubber block
I’m waiting for paint to dry. Not satisfied with waiting I found something else I can do, mount the T-bar, rubber spring, and solo saddle. I mounted the spring in the forward holes to put the the saddle at its highest. I later found that was incorrect for someone my weight. I eventually moved them to the middle positions.